Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kesaksian (1)


Moentochid ( 70 tahun )
Jl. H. Goden IV No.31 Pondok Pinang
Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan

Beliau dahulu mempunyai keluhan kaki sebelah kiri, tepatnya dipergelangan kaki, sering terasa nyeri sehingga sering mau jatuh. Kemudian pada pertengahan Juni 2001 ada pertemuan yang diselenggarakan di hotel Sahid yang menjelaskan tentang produk-produk Tianshi. Salah satunya, menceritakan bahwa ada seorang pelari yang minum produk Cordyceps Mycelium Capsules, dan karena itu prestasi larinya menjadi luar biasa.

Beliau penasaran karena cerita itu, maka pada tanggal 21 Juni 2001 beliau beli produk Cordyceps ini dan meminumnya 2 kapsul setiap pagi dan malam. Setelah saya minum produk ini, ternyata memang benar penyakit nyeri di kaki jadi hilang. Bapak yang setiap pagi masih suka olahraga jalan cepat dan senam aerobik ini merasa bersyukur sekali, saat ini bisa mencapai umur 70 tahun dengan tetap dikaruniai kesehatan yang baik.

Nila, S Psi.
Pekerjaan : Asuransi Bakrie
Alamat : PErumahan Bandung Indah Raya Ciwastra Bandung.

Sejak usia 4 tahun saya sering sulit untuk tidur. Badan dan terutama kaki saya terasa pegal-pegal. Menurut dokter anak, saya terkena sakit rematik. Penyakit ini saya derita selama 20 tahun lebih.
Setelah saya mencoba Kalsium Tipe I (Nutrient High Calcium Powder I red.), dalam dua hari rasa sakit di kaki dan badan mulai hilang, dan setelah habis 1 kotak Nutrient High Calcium Powder I, saya sudah merasa sehat dan terbebas dari sakit rematik.[TOP]


Mr Kwee Yauw Tjang
Rajawali Timur 27B Rajawali Plaza No.20

Mr. Kwee mempunyai masalah untuk menggerakkan bagian leher dan kepala untuk menoleh kebelakang, sehingga bila ada yang memanggil dari belakang terpaksa beliau harus memutar seluruh tubuhnya, dan selain itu tidak bisa memenuhi kewajibannya sebagai suami.

Setelah mengenal produk Tianshi, beliau mengkonsumsi Nutrient High Calcium Powder I, Cordyceps, dan Zinc Cream. Setelah itu, semua keluhan beliau hilang. Beliau bisa enak menggerak-gerakan seluruh tubuhnya, juga bagian kepala untuk menoleh kepala. Selain itu, beliau tidak lagi punya masalah untuk melakukan kewajibannya sebagai suami.


Iman Supriana
Guru Bahasa Inggris FKIP UHAMKA

Penyakit yang diderita oleh bapak Iman adalah sariawan usus. Selain penyakit itu sendiri yang berbahaya, juga membawa efek nafas beliau menjadi tidak sedap sehingga sangat mengganggu rasa percaya diri beliau, apalagi dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai guru. Berbagai obat dan cara sudah beliau coba, tetapi tidak juga mendatangkan hasil yang memuaskan.

Suatu hari beliau diajak rekannya Pak Anton, namanya, mengikuti presentasi produk Tianshi ini dan langsung beliau ungkapkan permasalahannya. Pak Iman dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi Double Cellulose Tablets. Dan baru tiga hari digunakan, efeknya mulai terasa. Nafas mulai tidak bau dan badan mulai enak. Dan setelah seminggu penuh, nafas beliau sudah normal seperti sebelum menderita sariawan usus. [TOP]


Suwito (50 th)
Alamat : Baturaja

Pak Suwito mempunyai sebuah toko dimana setiap hari beliau jaga. Suatu hari Pak Suwito merasakan seluruh punggungnya sakit dan kondisi tubuhnya lemah sekali sampai harus beristirahat penuh 2 (dua) hari. Ketika diperiksakan ke dokter pun, dokter tidak mengetahui apa penyakitnya. Sehingga penyakit tersebut tidak kunjung sembuh.

Akhirnya di stokist (tempat penjualan nutrisi Tianshi), beliau diperkenalkan produk Tianshi. Dari hasil penjelasan di situ, Pak Suwito minum 1 hari 2 bag Nutrient High Calcium Powder I dan 2 (dua) kapsul Vigor Rousing Capsules, serta 4 bungkus teh Antilipemic Tea. Dalam waktu 3 (tiga) hari penggunaan nutrisi tersebut, tubuh Pak Suwito mulai terasa ringan dan dua bulan kemudian beliau sembuh total tidak ada keluhan lagi sama sekali.

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Our Technology

Tianshi group always places the utmost importance on products research and development. Its research center is manned by domestic and foreign scientists and experts who have made remarkable achievements in bioscience, Western and Chinese medicine, nutritional science, and related fields. In addition, Tianshi has joined hands with China Science Academy and other scientific research bodies and institutions of high learning to develop new products to maximize its market share with products made of unique formulations with the latest high technology and advanced production technology. The group also takes advantage of the most advanced scientific achievements in China and from abroad to enhance its product research and developments and technological innovations and further consolidate the rapid developments and technological innovation and further consolidate the rapid development of the group.

Advanced products are the basis for the sustained development of the company. Now Tianshi Group has set up more than 100 branches and subsidiaries in over 100 countries and areas and the product sales maintain a very good momentum. To work toward the globalization strategy and to meet the market demands for different products, Tianshi Group has input a lot of capital and human resources in the products research and development department. Now Tianshi has developed several new health and cosmetic products among which 23 health products have been approved with health product certificates from the National Ministry of Health and another two are in the process of being approved. We also have several new detergent and cosmetic products in production. At present, Tianshi Group has more than 60 types of products in production and sales, including health products, food, detergent, daily chemical products and cosmetics.

Tianshi always places the utmost importance on product research and development. Domestic and foreign scientists and experts who have made remarkable achievements in bioscience, Western and Chinese medicine, nutritional science, and related fields man its research center. In addition, Tianshi has joined hands with China Science Academy and other scientific research bodies and institutions of higher learning to develop new products to maximize its market share with products made of unique formulation with the latest high technology and advanced production technology.

Our research and development laboratories are equipped with some of the most sophisticated scientific equipment, including the highly efficient Liquid Chromatography, (WATERS), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Hitachi), Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometer, UV Spectrophotometer (PE), and Karl-Fische Titrator (Lettler Toledo). The Tianshi Yihai International Health Industrial Park in Shanghai, costing some $500millionUSD, is a research and development center built in accordance with modern international research and development standards and it is expected to be a humanized and intelligence-integrated international health food scientific research base for academic exchanges.

Tianshi has introduced state-of-the-art production equipment and automatic production lines from Germany, USA, Italy and other countries. It has also obtained the ISO9001: 2000 International quality certification while it subsidiaries have been certified by the state as GMP compliant for it pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. It has received two state patents for its invention and numerous domestic and international awards and honours for its advanced production technology. It ranks at the top in the country with its production strength and scale.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Produk (1)

1. Nutrient High Calcium Powder I

Kegunaan :
Mencegah Osteoporosis
Mencegah penyakit jantung
Menormalkan tekanan darah
Mengatasi keluhan saat haid dan menjelang menopase
Mengatasi kram, sakit pinggang, wasir, rematik
Meminimalkan penyusutan tulang selama hamil/menyusui
Menurunkan resiko kanker usus
Mengatasi kaki, tangan kering dan pecah-pecah
Memulihkan gairah seks yang menurun
Mencegah dan mengobati penyakit pada sistem saraf.
DEPKES : BML 862709007156
Isi: 10 gram x 10 bag/box
Aturan Pakai :
Diseduh dengan 1 gelas air hangat
Penyakit Ringan : 1 x 1/hari
Penyakit Berat : 2 x 1/ hari
Harga konsumen: Rp. 148.500,-

2. Hyperglycemia High Calcium Powder II
Untuk penderita Diabetes

Sangat baik untuk yang mempunyai penyakit Diabetes. Sudah terbukti menyembuhkan penyakit ini.
DEPKES : BML 862709010156
Isi: 10 gram x 10 bag/box
Aturan Pakai :
Diseduh dengan 1 gelas air hangat
Penyakit Ringan : 1 x 1/hari
Penyakit Berat : 2 x 1/ hari
Harga konsumen: Rp. 183.500,-

3. Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder III
Untuk anak-anak

Kegunaan :
Membantu mineralisasi gigi
Mencegah pendarahan akar gigi
Membantu pertumbuhan otak, transmisi syaraf, daya penglihatan anak
Meningkatkan kecerdasan anak
DEPKES : BML 862709012156
Isi: 10 gram x 10 bag/box
Aturan Pakai :
Sehari 1 x 1 , diseduh air hangat
Harga konsumen: Rp. 157.300,-

4. Calcium Chewable Tablets
Untuk dewasa dan anak-anak

Kegunaan :
Sama seperti di atas hanya dalam cara mengkonsumsinya saja yang berbeda. Ini tidak diseduh melainkan dikunyah. Rasanya enak, wangi strawberry.
DEPKES : BML 862709011156
Isi: 1,2 gram x 60 tablet/botol
Aturan Pakai : 3 x 1-2 tablet/hari
Harga konsumen: Rp. 157.300,-

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Your Opportunity

Your OpportunityTianshi’s unlimited business opportunity allows you to work in your element. Whatever your goals are - to spend more time with your family, determine your own income, be your own boss, or to travel the world - you can achieve it with Tianshi.

Tianshi is dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives and our Independent Consultants know that we work to make that difference. We strive for the ultimate customer service satisfaction for all our customers. We offer diversified products which allow for a unique home-based business opportunity and unlimited earning potential. We are committed to a business model that promotes health and well-being for all people.
Our partnership is simple…

Tianshi will:

* Provide business development training
* Present ongoing incentives and rewards
* Recognition for performance
* Keep you informed – Tiens News,
* Offer an e-Business Solution

You will:

* Share the product
* Share the opportunity
* Participate in your business development
* Have commitment and perseverance

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Tianshi Products

Our Approach - Experiencing modern civilization and enjoying a healthy life is our goal!

Tianshi relies on top biotechnology to combine the traditional Chinese health regimes and modern medical essence. Our international standards include advanced production equipment and technique, and a firm quality management system to ensure the premium products our customers demand. New products are developed with strict accordance with different nationality and beliefs. The company has passed the international standard ISO-9002 certificate for quality authentication.

We embrace a 5000 year old philosophy called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This philosophy is based on the use of Chinese herbals that is now becoming one of the fastest growing areas in the health care industry.

  • TCM is the practice that encourages our body to maintain a healthy balance of energy.
  • Qi (pronounced ‘chi’) is the flow of energy in our body.

The balance of energy is the key within the concepts of Yin & Yang and the Five Elements as the major body organs work in harmony with one another for optimal health and wellness. Yin and Yang must maintain complete balance and harmony with each other. Disturbing the balance may cause health problems.

Yin & Yang
Yin & Yang is a fundamental principal of Chinese wellness philosophy that speaks of the opposites that exist in all living things. They are the two basic energy systems in life that are opposite to and codependent upon each other.

  • Yin manifests itself as endogenous, resting, decelerating, Five Elementscooling down, darkening, material and contracting.
  • Yang manifests itself as exogenous, moving, accelerating, warming up, brightening, energy and expanding.

The Yin & Yang forces are believed to be cyclical, moving and evolving into each other, represented by the white dot on the black Yin side of the symbol, and by the black dot on the white Yang side.

The Five Elements
This is another ancient Chinese philosophical theory that every system is composed of certain basic elements or categories - metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

  • Each element supports, sustains and balances one another, thus maintaining the stability of the body system. They generate the seasons and other characteristics of nature that impact the balance our inner ecosystem.
  • In a state of balance, for instance, the body's five internal organs (the liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys) promote each other to make the body strong with a prolonged life.

Yin & Yang + Five Elements = Overall Balance
The Yin and Yang accomplish changes through the Five Elements. The Five Elements evolve from and prevail over each other to keep an overall balance.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Product Honours

Honors, Awards and Prizes for Tianshi Products

In 2003

  • The China Association for Quality Inspection commended Tianshi Group for being one of the Chinese enterprises known for the Double Guarantee of Quality and Services
  • Tianshi Health Products series were recommended by the Committee for Evaluation and Recommendation of Famous Quality Products for Chinese Women and Children as one of the Favored Famous Quality Brands

    In 2002
  • Tianshi Chitinoid (Chitosan) Capsules were recommended by IQAC as quality products (2002)
  • Tianshi Chitinoid (Chitosan) Capsules have been certified by ETCC as a Recommended International Traded Product
  • Tianshi Chitinoid (Chitosan) Capsules were recommended by the Los Angeles Chinese Products Exhibition Center for exhibition at the international fair
  • Tianshi Seabuckthorn Capsules (Youth & Health), Tianshi Cordyceps and Tianshi Spirulina Capsules were jointly recommended to the European market by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the French Committee for Quality Assurance and Assessment of Science and Technology Products
  • Tianshi Products were officially recommended as products for the UN institutions by the UN Association for the Promotion of World Unification
  • The Tianshi Nutrient Health Product series was named by the Third China Special Olympics as the only recommended nutrient health product brand
  • Tianshi products won the Gold Prize for Medical Oncology at the 2002 Almacede International New Industrial Technology Fair.

    In 2001
  • Tianshi health products were named the only recommended health product brand at the Tianjin International Comic Arts Festival
  • Tianshi Seabuckthorn (Youth & Health) Capsules were granted the title of Excellent Health Product at the Second China International Health Festival
  • The International Academy of Human Researches in Aeronautics and Astronautics named Tianshi health products The Best Health Food for Aeronautical and Astronautical Uses
  • Tianshi Weight Loss Tea was recommended at the 21st-Century Choice Foods for Health Families
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder won the Gold Prize at the Fifth China International Health Products Exposition

    In 2000
  • Tianshi Seabuckthorn (Youth & Health) Capsules won the Gold Prize at the Second China Fair of New and Special Medicines and Health Products

    In 1999
  • Tianshi Health Products were appointed the only health product brand recommended at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships.
  • The Fifth China International Quality Health Products Exposition awarded the gold medal to Tianshi Nutrient High Calcium Powder

    In 1998
  • The Tianshi High Absorption Calcium Product series won the title of Recommended Product, given by China Consumers Protection Fund
  • At the Second China Calcium Metabolism Symposium, Tianshi was given the Award for Contribution to Human Health

    In 1997
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder won the Gold Prize for Health Food at the Cooperation Conference of the World's Inventors, Entrepreneurs and Investors held in New York, USA
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder won the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Geriatrics from the American International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder won the Award for Great Invention in the Health Industry from the Asian and American Inventors' Association
  • Tianshi Xuebao Acupuncturing Machine won the Gold Prize at the First Einstein International Invention/New Product Exposition

    In 1996
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder won the Gold Prize at '96 China Invention/Patent Exposition.
  • Tianshi Xuebao Acupuncturing Machine won the Gold Prize at the '96 Beijing International Invention Exposition.

    In 1995
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder was recommended by the Committee for Evaluation of Products Preferred by Chinese Women and Children as a Favored Brand.

    In 1994
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder received the Best Product Award and the Best Fashion Consumer Goods Award from the Second International Foods and Drinks Exhibition held in Tianjin
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder won the Gold Prize at the Quality Prevention and Health Products Exhibition Held in Honor of the Sixth International Science and Peace Week
  • Tianshi Nutrient High Absorption Calcium Powder was named the only Health Drink Recommended at the FINA World Championships

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Atasi Gangguan Kesuburan Dengan Produk Tianshi

Pasangan Suami Istri tentu mendambakan kehadiran anak. Namun Tidak semua pasutri mendapatkan kehamilan pada tahun-tahun pertama mereka. Bahkan ada yang sampai bertahun-tahun tak kunjung dikaruniai momongan. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh gangguan kesuburan yang sering juga disebuttidak subur alias infertilitas.
Seorang wanita memiliki puncak kesuburan(kemampuan untuk dibuahi) pada usia 20-30 tahun. Kesuburan mulai menurun pada 35 tahun keatas, seiring dengan pertambahan usia. Hal ini disebabkan pengaruh hormonal dalam tubuh wanita. Adapun pria mempunyai masa kesuburan atau kemampuan untuk membuahi sejak memasuki usia pubertas sampai usia lanjut, walaupun puncak kesuburannya juga terjadi pada usia sekitar20-30 tahun.
Pasutri dikatakan infertil apabila istri belum juga hamil padahal mereka telah menikah selama setahun atau lebih, dan dalam masa itu selalu melakukan hubungan seksual secara rutin.
Secara spesifik, penyebab infertilitas pada wanita antara lain : gangguan hormonal, gangguan pematangan sel telur, endometriosis, tumor pada indung telur atau rahim, kejiwaan,imunologi serta infeksi toksoplasma, Rubella Cytomegalovirus, Herpes, Klamidia, dan mikoplasma. Sedangkan penyebab infertilitas pada pria : azoospermia (tidak ada sperma), oligospermia(jumlah sperma sedikit), oligo-astheno-terazoospermia(jumlah sperma kurang, daya gerak kurang, dan sperma abnormal), kelainan saluran penghubung testis ke penis(akibat infeksi atau kelainan), penyakit (diabetes,tumor), kelainan genetik, terpapar bahan kimia dalam waktu lama, serta terinfeksi virus. Selain itu faktor lingkungan seperti polusi, rokok, minuman keras, dan mengkonsumsi obat terlarang juga menyebabkab infertilitas.
Untuk mengatasi masalah nfertilitas, pasutri perlu melakukan langkah-langkah berikut :
1. Periksakan diri bersama pasangan.
2. Posisi yang baik untuk senggama
3. Terapkan pola hidup sehat : hindari rokok, minuman beralkohol dan hubungan seksual diluar
4. Hindari stress
5. Konsultasikan dengan dokter ahli untuk kemungkinan melakukan inseminasi buatan atau
bayi tabung
6. Konsumsi produk2 Tiaanshi yang menunjang kecukupan gizi pasutri antara lain berupa: Manka Capsues, Nutrient High Calcium Powder, Zinc Cream Suplement dan Vitaly Softgel capsules.

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